
Sad Trombone

Compliments of reader Dusty "Debbie Downer" Baker. The image quality would be better, but the lens got all tear smudged. (cries)


Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I forgot about your blog, Mr C.

Nostradamus said...

Me too!

Kyle Baker said...

Cheers Mr C. I was a little unsteady because a I was sitting on a bench near some gnats fans. I seriously may shirk my non-violent ways and kill Kill KILL these a-hole gnats fans who have come out of the woodwork. My patented response is to question how much more room there is on that bandwagon, and what a nice NEW hat that is they're wearing. But seriously, these bastards are everywhere.

Nostradamus said...

Seriously. Saw a family of 4 all wearing crisp new Jints hats (old man style) yesterday in the People's Republic. I considered slapping the Dad for either A) ignorance B) Dodger fan baiting w/ kids in tow. I'm sure they encountered others with less self-restraint than I.

rbnlaw said...

You was in my hood?

I miss Manny.

Kyle Baker said...

I'm still in your hood. You'll know I'm gone when the property value goes back up.

Shawn Green said...


Kyle Baker said...

Snarky retort to MLASC's comment.