

I hate the Giants
I hate misplayed pop flies
I hate Stairs pinch hits
I hate Bill Plaschke's lies
I hate Joe Morgan
And all he represents
Boom-de-yadda, boom-de-yadda
Boom-de-yadda, boom-de-yadda

I hate the Yankees
I hate the MSBs
I hate Bond's noggin
And Sweeney 0-for-3's
I hate Chris Berman
And all his east-coast love
Boom-de-yadda, boom-de-yadda
Boom-de-yadda, boom-de-yadda

I hate the Phillies
I hate smug Angel geeks
I hate bad grammar
And Padre winning streaks
I hate blocked comments,
Conflicting edits, too!
Boom-de-yadda, boom-de-yadda
Boom-de-yadda, boom-de-yadda

HT to rbnlaw and SoSG for the inspiration.


Kyle Baker said...

You had me at "I hate bad grammar."

Nostradamus said...

I was sure "conflicting edits" would reel you in if that failed.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Chris Berman is still working?

karina said...

I'm easy, you had me at misplayed pop flies, Stairs pinch hits and Bill Plaschke's lies.


Nostradamus said...

Plascke's lies was my favorite line, by far. I couldn't get past it w/o giggling